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Background Superficial mycoses is a fungal infection of the skin, nails and hair that
caused by dematophytes, yeast and mold. Superficial mycoses infections are commonly
found in high temperature and humidity area such as Indonesia. Palembang is one of
regions in Indonesia has a high temperature and humidity, considered the incidence
of this disease is high. A retrospective study of new cases of superficial mycoses, data
taken from medical records and register book at Policlinic of Dermatology and
Venereology Dr. Moh. Hoesin Palembang during 5 years from January 2014-December
2018. There were 1,236 (17.1%) new cases of superficial mycoses. Incidence of
superficial mycoses varies with range 6.9%-23%. The most common superficial
mycoses is dermatophytes (38,3%). Microsporum canis, Trichophyton rubrum dan
Tricophyton hmentagrophytes are frequent isolates in this study. The most age group
is 36-45 years (17.6%) with male more than female. Superficial mycoses are often found
in students (26.9%), followed by unskilled workers (20.8%). Of the 1,236 new cases,
125 patients had comorbidities, such as malignancy 21 (16.8%) patients,
cerebrovascular disease and diabetes mellitus each 16 patients (7.4%). Inguinal and
abdomen are the most commonly infected regions. 656 (53.1%) patients was given
topical antifungal. The most common topical antifungal was ketoconazole 2% cream
(62%) and systemic antifungal was itraconazole (55,3%).Conclusion: Cases of
superficial mycoses, especially dermatophytosis and Malassezia were still commonly
found, especially in Palembang.


Superficial mycoses Profile retrospective study

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How to Cite
Harnis, D., Rusmawardiana, & , Fifa Argentina. (2020). Superficial mycosis profile in the Tertiary Hospital Dr. Moh. Hoesin Palembang: retrospective research. Jurnal RSMH Palembang, 1(1), 31-40.

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